Sunday, September 7, 2008

Battling With My Buddy

My son Brandon and I went to play laser tag today for the first time. We played two games – what a blast! Sorry for the blurry camera phone picture.

The first game was insane – 20 people were crammed into a small arena, most were under 10 years old. In the second game Brandon and I took on a father and his two teenage sons for a laser tag family feud. Team Melendez dominated with a 396 to 124 win! A few summary thoughts...

1. Nothing brings a father and son together like simulated warfare.
2. Laser tag is a fun - but thoroughly wash you hands afterward.
3. No matter how old, guys never grow out of playing with toy guns.
4. If I give up being a pastor, I will not become a laser tag employee.


Lisa McMichael said...

Hi David - chances are we'll see each other prior to you reading this post; with that, I think laser tag would be a hoot for some of the home teams at CATB - an outing for them.

Jim M. and I will see you soon.

God's best always,

John said...

Hey Dave...

Check the email I just sent to the church. John

Dave Melendez said...


Which email address did you mail to? I have not received an email from you. Thanks! David