Friday, December 19, 2008

Dealing With Disappointment, Part 5

Life 101: Disappointment In Life Is Guaranteed!

Webster defines disappointment as "when expectations fail to be met, producing anger, frustration, sadness, and discouragement."

This week we're addressing common disappointments and sharing ideas to consider:

This one is tough - I know first-hand! Disappointment with yourself is potentially the most debilitating kind of disappointment! Why? because it can throw you into a downward spiral that's hard to recover from. Peter had a sworn, undying love and loyalty to Jesus. In Matthew 26:33-75 he said "Lord, everybody else may abandon you, but not me! I'm yours till death!" And he meant every word of it. But under the pressures surrounding Jesus' crucifixion he gave in and denied knowing Jesus, not once but three times. Peter was heart-broken by his failure and went outside and wept bitterly (Luke 22:62).

Peter failed to meet his own expectations and crumbled. But Jesus wasn't shocked. He was well aware of Peter's flaws when He called him into ministry. He also knew that His blustering, outspoken disciple had a tender and sincere heart. When Peter failed, Jesus extended grace to him rather than remove him from office. When Christ gave post-resurrection orders to "tell His disciples and Peter" (Mark 16:7) to meet Him in Galilee, He reaffirmed His choice of the failed disciple. The rest of Peter's story is New Testament history!

When (not if) you confront failure, here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Don't add insult to injury by letting disappointment turn to dispair.
2. Humble yourself, confess, and repent (turn away) from your failure.
3. Receive God's grace and forgiveness by faith, not feelings.
4. Get whatever help you need to get back on track sooner, not later.

DO NOT let yourself, other people, or Satan convince you that you're case is beyond God's grace!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dealing With Disappointment, Part 4

Life 101: Disappointment In Life Is Guaranteed!

Webster defines disappointment as "when expectations fail to be met, producing anger, frustration, sadness, and discouragement."

This week we're addressing common disappointments and sharing ideas to consider:

Let's again check in with Moses, the founding pastor of the First Church of the Critical & Ungrateful... a congregation of former slaves delivered, blessed, and en route to the Promised Land... but without a shred of loyalty, gratitude, or appreciation for the man who put everything on the line to make it possible. Fresh out of Egypt, the people of Israel turned on Moses, accusing and blaming him (see Exodus 14). Do you think Moses was disappointed and hurt?

However, each time Moses wanted to quit, he discussed it with God, prayed for his complaining congregation, received fresh orders from headquarters, and returned to work. It's what God-called men and women do when they're disappointed and feel like giving up... they remain faithful!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dealing With Disappointment, Part 3

Life 101: Disappointment In Life Is Guaranteed!

Webster defines disappointment as "when expectations fail to be met, producing anger, frustration, sadness, and discouragement."

This week we're addressing common disappointments and sharing ideas to consider:

To succeed in life, you need other people; you can't make it without them. When those people fail you it's painful. Imagine Moses' diappointment. He leaves his brother Aaron in charge while he attends his summit conference with God to receive the 10 Commandments. When he returns, he finds Israel in anarchy, idolatry and rebellion against God. Where's Aaron? Leading the rebellion! When Moses needed him most, Aaron failed miserably.

But watch Moses - true leadership shines in disappointment! Moses confronts and corrects Aaron. He takes the mess to God for resolution and prays for forgiveness for Israel. God listens and reminds Moses of his assignment: "[It's disappointing Moses, but] go lead the people... my angel will go before you..." Disappointment will challenge you to be a better leader and give you an opportunity to grow in grace toward others. When the people you depend on fail you, keep leading! Continue doing what God assigned you to do!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dealing With Disappointment, Part 2

Life 101: Disappointment In Life Is Guaranteed!

Webster defines disappointment as "when expectations fail to be met, producing anger, frustration, sadness, and discouragement."

This week we will address common disappointments and share ideas to consider:

If anyone wouldn't let you down, it would be your family? Right? Wrong! Ask young Joseph./ When GOd promised him a big promotion he thought his brothers would celebrate. Instead they responded with jealousy, resentment and hostility. They sold baby brother into slavery. Far from friends and home he languised in prison for a crime he didn't commit. What an invitation to bitterness!

I'm sure Joseph was tempted to reherse the wrongs done to him. I'm sure he was tempted to plot some form of revenge. Instead, he allowed God to vindicate him, using his circumstances to position, prepare, and promote him to be Egypt's Prime Minister. He refusted to become bitter and chose to forgive those who mistreated him. Whe he later had opportunity to exercise vengence, he showed mercy instead. That's how you deal with disappointment!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dealing With Disappointment, Part 1

Life 101: Disappointment In Life Is Guaranteed!

Webster defines disappointment as "when expectations fail to be met, producing anger, frustration, sadness, and discouragement."

This week I'll address common disappointments and share some ideas to consider:

(1 Samuel 1-4) Samuel's mother entrusted her son to Eli the Priest, confident he would mentor and prepare him for God's service. But Eli had a serious character flaw. He was a weak, passive, and permissive parent who stood by while his son's abused their priestly privilege, bringing shame and disrepute to God's work. Eli had absolutely NO backbone!

Who would have blamed Samuel for taking a nose dive when the man he looked up to failed? But he didn't! He dealt with his disappointment and kept his eyes on God. The Bible says Samuel "grew and the Lord was with him." He became one of Israel's greatest prophets! A friendly reminder: when you're disappointed by people, keep your focus on God!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Use What God Gave You

"...If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ..." - 1 Peter 4:11 (NKJV)

When God gives you an assignment, He gives you all you need to fulfill it. If fact, by studying your core competencies you can actually discover an important part of God's will for your life. Winston Churchill said, "To each there comes in his or her lifetime a special moment when they are tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted for their talent".

You can't always be what you want to be, but you can be everything God wants you to be. That's because He assigns and directs us "each according to [one's] own ability" (Matthew 25:15). What do you love doing and do consistently well? Is music your forte? Crunching numbers? Working with children? Paul says "The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving" (1 Corinthians 12:7). That means some of the things other people find broing, will actually energize and enrich you.

The Bible says there is a place for each of us in His grand purpose in this world. Knowing this dispels the misconception that you're not valuable beause you don't have the same talents/abilities you admire in others. It also defines your responsibility by doing away with the myth that you're supposed to do everything. Your goal should be to stay within the boundaries of God's plan for you. No talent is small or insignificant. Instead of apologizing for the skills you don't have, discover the gifts/abiliies God has given you and put them to work for His purposes. You'll discover that nothing is more fulfilling!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Getting Off "Center Stage"

"Let each one of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others" - Philippians 2:4

An accurate paraphrase of this verse is "Get off center stage!" This is easier said than done. Most of us tend to be pre-occupied with one person - "Me". When you ask someone "How's it going?", they think you really want to know. They begin to share a recent success. For many people, this is a signal to say, "You think that's good, let me tell you what happened to me..." At this point your friend is wishing they had kept their mouth shut.

Some of us need to just get over ourselves! All of us need to learn to vacate center stage more often. We can all use a little help learning to focus on others. We should all practice saying, "Enough about me, tell me about you... your job... your family... your health, etc." Stifle the urge to interrupt and just listen. Listen with your ears, your eyes, and your heart. Try to understand the feelings behind their words.

Frankly, this can be a big challenge for me. I tend to get very focused on what I'm doing, where I'm going and how I'm going to get there. But one of the true characteristics of a Christ-follower is to celebrate with the success of others, or share their struggles as if they were your own. I'm working at this!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Take Every Thought Captive

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." - 2 Corinthians 10:5

Nineteen-year-old Liu Shih-Kun was an esteemed concert pianist in China until the Cultural Revolution banned all things of Western Influence. Refusing to renounce his beloved music, Liu was deemed an enemy to the people. Beaten and imprisoned, he languished in a tiny cell with no books, no paper, and even worse - no piano. After his release seven years later, he played with the Philadelphia Orchestra in Beijing... flawlessly. The fact that he survived is remarkable; that his hands continued to move as if they'd never stopped playing is amazing.

What was his secret? Stripped of everything musical for seven and a half years, Liu disciplined himself to shut out negative thoughts and practice hour after hour on an imaginary piano.

Counselors tell us we don't realize the extent to which our own thinking contributes to our mental anguish. The earlier we evaluate our "self-talk" the easier it is to regroup and get back on track. While the concept is simple, it's not easy to implement. Once you start paying attention you'll probably notice more negative "self-talk" than you realized.

Police shout "freeze!" when cornering a suspect. We can "freeze" destructive self-talk by capturing every thought and making it obedient to Christ. Paul says "This is not a wrestling match against a human opponent. We are wrestling with... spiritual forces" (Eph 6:12). Your thoughts have power. To win over them, you must submit to Christ and control what you allow your mind to dwell on. I'm determined to inject FAITH and HOPE into my self-talk today!